Health Issues
Pregnant Woman Beware: Carbon Monoxide (CO) can harm an unborn child.
If you feel dizzy or have a headache: This can arise from exposure to levels of 100ppm of CO.
Permanent Damage: Extended exposure can damage the nervous system, the heart and vision.
Reduce traffic: Use public transportation, walk or bike.
Deforestation for fire control: Prevents against extensive Carbon Monoxide (CO) emissions due to forest fires
Revise your heating system!
Sulfur dioxide /
Carbon monoxide /
Nitrogen dioxide /
Particulate /
Carbon Monoxide
General Information: Carbon Monoxide (CO) is an uncoloured gas that is non-odorous, inflammable and highly toxic. It is known for domestic accidents related to gas heating and is partially responsible for the greenhouse effect. In natural areas a typical CO level is 0.1ppm, in urban areas of intense traffic it can reach 100ppm - 1000 times higher.
Emissions: Carbon monoxide (CO) is produced from the combustion of gas, oil, kerosene, carbon, petrol and wood. Traffic is responsible for 91% of the CO emissions. Beyond killng trees and destroying their capacity to produce oxygen, forsest fires produce high quantities of this gas.